Aleena Francis, first year CSE student has been selected for the prestigious Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship. Proud moment.

A patent has been granted to the patentees (Dr. Vinod V, Dr. Resmi G, Mr. Muhammed Saheer) for an invention entitled "A FUEL VOLUME MEASURING SYSTEM FOR A VEHICLE AND A METHOD THEREOF"

Abhijith S of NSS (Unit No. 198) NSSCE selected for Pre Republic day parade camp. Congratulations.

NSSCE signed an MoU with IIT Palakkad in the area of Innovation, Research and Incubation. A Great Milestone!!!!

Project of Dr. Aneesh Kumar P from Department of Mechanical Engineering has been selected under ‘Research Seed Money (RSM) of KTU with a grant of 200,000/-.

Bhadra Jayakumar. Department of Computer Science and Engineering (2018- 2022).IEEE Richard E Merwin Student Scholarship winner offered by IEEE Computer Society.

NSS College of Engineering Gains in Campus Placements with 300+ placements even in Covid crisis.

Midhun V from Mechanical Engineering Department has Secured 6 th position & Dilsha R secured first rank in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award 2020

A project has been initiated in the year 2019-20 funded by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) in collaboration with IIT Madras under Core Research Grant(CRG) with a total grant of Rs. 35,64,738/-. Dr. Venugopal G, Professor in the Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering is the principal investigator of this project entitled “Development of assessment protocols for aspiring athletes using surface electromyography signals (No. CRG/2019/003368 dated. 03/02/2020)”.