About Library
The Library System in NSS College of Engineering consists of a Central Library and six
Department libraries which collectively support the teaching and research programs of the
institute and provides facilities for general reading and disseminates information to the users.
Central Library has started functioning since 1960. It is working in a separate building with a
plinth area of 925m 2 and two courtyards with a plinth area of 200m 2 . The operations of the
library are fully computerized and Koha, an open source integrated library system is used for
library management functions. Users can search the documents of library through the Online
Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) available in the campus.
The central library is having more than 64155 volumes of books with 35770 titles, 40
print national and international journals, 30 popular magazines and 5 daily newspapers. The
books are classified according to the DDC Scheme of Library Classification and follows open
access system. Library is functioning with barcode technology for issuing books. In addition to
the regular Library and Information services, Book Bank service is being provided to ensure
essential study materials to socially backward students.
The central library have purchased 4 valuable foreign e-journal databases in the field
of Engineering science and technology include ASCE, ASME, Elsevier, IEEE and IEI in the
last four years. IP based Full text access of these Electronic resources are activated all over
the campus. Remote accesses of these e-resources are provided through Knimbus Platform.
Turnitin, a plagiarism detecting software is also available in the Central Library. National
Digital Library and NSSCE Digital Library (NSSCE Digital Repository) are also available in our
library. Library has spent an amount of Rs.5046818/- for last three years to improve its
academic and infrastructure facilities.
Library Catalogue
Users can search the documents of library through the Online Public Access
Catalogue OPAC) .
Library Catalogue (Accessible only from NSSCE Campus)
E-resources available in our campus
Serial number | E Resource | Subscription Period | URL of resource |
1 | Elsevier-Science Direct (Engineering + Computer Science) | 01/01/2022-31/12/2022 | http://www.sciencedirect.com/ |
3 | ASCE (ASCE EJOURNALS PACKAGE 35 JOURNALS PLUS BACKFILE TO 1983) | 01/01/2022-31/12/2022 | http://ascelibrary.org/ |
4 | ASME (ASME EJOURNALS PACKAGE 27 JOURNALS PLUS BACKFILE TO 2000) | 01/01/2022-31/12/2022 | http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org / |
5 | Knimbus Online Platform (Providing Remote access of e-resources) | 01/01/2022-31/12/2022 | https://nssce.knimbus.com/user#/home |
6 | Turnitin ( plagiarism detecting software) | 01/01/2022-31/12/2022 | https://apjabdul.turnitin.com/home/sign-in |
7 | IEI E-Journals (5 Journals) | 01/12/2017 - continue | https://www.ieindia.org/AdminUI/IEI-Dashboard.aspx |
8 | World E-Book Library | September 2017 to Continue | http://community.worldlibrary.in/?AffiliateKey=NDL-TH1303 |
9 | South Asia Archive (SAA) | National Licensing (Perpetual) | http://www.southasiaarchive.com/ |
10 | Nssce Digital Library ( Nssce Digital Repository ) | Permanent | |
11 | National Digital Library | https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ | |
12 | QuillBot | 05/09/2022 - 31/12/2022 | https://quillbot.com/ |
Knimbus Remote Access
Users can access all of our e-resources through Knimbus Platform. Contact the Central Library for further details.
Knimbus ↗Plagiarism check
For login ID and password assistance, please contact the Central Library
turnitin ↗Moodle
For login ID and password assistance, please contact the Central Library or Prof. Vinod G, Professor, Electronics and Communication Department↗NSSCE Institutional Repository
NSSCE Digital repository (Accessible only from NSSCE Campus)
Library Working Hours
1 | Monday to Friday | 8.30 AM to 5.30 PM |
2 | Saturdays and vacation | 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM |
3 | All Second Saturdays and Sundays are holiday. |
Serial number | Title | Author/Editor | ISBN |
1 | National Conference on Materials, Structures and Environment | Dr Sreelekshmy Pillai. ,Ed. and Dr. Praseeda KI . ,Ed. | 9788197163586 |
Library Committee
Dr. Suresh P R , Principal | Chairman |
Prof. Nisha A S, Assistant Professor ,CE | Member |
Dr. Sajeesh P , Assistant ProfessoME | Member |
Prof. Reshmi S, Assistant Professor , ECE | Member |
Mr. Vimal P , Instructor , IC | Member |
Prof. Chitra S Nair , Assistant Professor ,CSE | Member |
Prof. Sajith VS , Associate Professor , Mathematics | Member |
Dr. Jyothy Parvathy V. , Assistant Professor, Physics | Member |
Prof. Deepika Vasanthakumar, Asst Professor EEE | Member |
Abel Vishnu M S, General Secretary, College Union | Member |
Pradeep Kumar P , College Librarian | Secretary |
Library Staff
Details of the library staff with qualification
1 | Pradeep Kumar P | College Librarian | MLISc, UGC-NET |
2 | Gopakumar S | Librarian Grade IV | P.D.C, C.L.I.Sc |
3 | Sreeprakash P | Library Assistant | |
4 | Muraleedharan Pillai S | Library Assistant |
Contact Details
Librarian | Pradeep Kumar . P |
Contact No | 04912554255 , 9447077500 |
Email ID | nsscelibrary@gmail.com |