N S S College of Engineering, Palakkad is one of the most reputed, premier engineering educational
Institutions in Kerala. Founded in 1960 by Nair Service Society under the leadership of late Bharatha
Kesari Mannathu Padmanabhan, during the second five year plan with the assistance of the Central
and State Government under the grant-in-aid scheme, affiliated to the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological
University (initially Kerala Technological University), the College has an enviable heritage and legacy of
grooming brilliant engineering professionals who later made their mark in industrial and other sectors of
the country and abroad.
At present, the institution offers B.Tech degree courses in six branches (Civil Engg.(CE), Mechanical
Engg.(ME), Electrical & Electronics Engg.(EEE), Electronics & Communication Engg.(ECE),
Instrumentation & Control Engg.(ICE), and Computer Science & Engg.(CSE) and M.Tech degree
courses in Communication Engineering, Power Electronics, Computer Science & Engineering, Structural
Engineering and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Five B. Tech (UG) Programmes (ME, CE, EEE,
ECE & ICE) of NSSCE got accreditation from National Board of Accreditation (NBA) upto
30/06/2022. Currently 20+ research aspirants are doing Ph.D at NSSCE under the guidance of
experienced supervisors from various disciplines.
Even during the Covid-19 outbreak, NSSCE continued to have solid results in campus placements. The
latest graduating batch (2017-2021) received over 400 placements, 35+ internships from over 80+ firms,
and 13 exceptional overseas career paths. By signing 20+ prominent MoUs with various organizations
and institutions, including IIT Palakkad, NSSCE exposes faculty and students to a world of opportunities.
In order to ignite out-of-the-box thinking capabilities of students, the college hosts many clubs/cells
including IEDC (Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development Cell), IIPC (Industry Institute Partnership
Cell), IPR (Intellectual Property cell), IIC (Institution Innovation Council), IEEE Student Chapter,
IE(I) (Institution of Engineers, India) Student Chapter, ISTE (Indian Society for Technical Education).
Notably, the IPR cell of NSSCE selected as the best IPR cell in Kerala for the year 2017 by Kerala State
Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE). For exemplary performance as an active
IEEE student branch, NSSCE is presented with IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award
2020. As a pioneer in higher education, NSSCE contributes to the development of the student youth's
personality and character by running two National Service Scheme (NSS) units, which proudly won the
best unit, best programme officer, and the best volunteer awards at the APJKTU NSS awards 2021.
NSSCE has also established a reputation for itself in the realms of art and sports. The APJ KTU 2020
Sports Championship and Calicut University A-Zone titles won by the students here attest to this.
Situated in NSS Nagar at Akathethara, 9 km from Palakkad town, the Campus is easily accessible, being
only 4 km from the Palakkad Railway Junction, and is only 5 km from the renowned Malampuzha
Gardens. Nearest Airports are at Coimbatore (55Kkm) and Cochin International (110 Km). Spread over
125 Acres, it includes an Administrative Block, Separate blocks for each Department, A Library block
and four Hostels including one for Ladies. Nestling among verdant foothills, this is a tranquil and serene
setting for higher education.