B Tech

Courses Offered

The College started with three branches of Engineering viz, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical & Electronics Engineering, made long strides with the introduction of Instrumentation & Control Engineering course in 1980, Electronics & Communication Engineering in 1986 and Computer Science Engineering in 1999. The following courses are offered by the college.

1 Civil Engineering 120 (102 Merit + 18 Management)
2 Mechanical Engineering 120 (102 Merit + 18 Management)
3 Electrical & Electronics Engineering 120 (102 Merit + 18 Management)
4 Electronics & Communication Engineering 90 (77 Merit + 13 Management)
5 Instumentation & Control Engineering 60 (51 Merit + 9 Management)
6 Computer Science & Engineering 120 (102 Merit + 18 Management)

The B.Tech Course in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical & Electronics Engineering have been accredited with B3 Grade and Instrumentation & Control Engineering has been accredited with B5 Grade by NBA ( National Board of Accreditation ).
All the departments are due for next accreditation and the Institution is getting ready for the process
The admission to the B.Tech degree course is on the basis of the All Kerala Engineering Entrance Examination conducted by the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations, Government of Kerala.
The Commission fills up 85 % of the seats on the basis of merit and the Management fills up 15 % from the Rank list of the Engineering Entrance examinations. Another 10 % of the students are admitted under Lateral Entry scheme in the 3rd semester.
Entrance Test / Admission Criteria 50% marks in the qualifying examination
Pass in the entrance test conducted by Commissioner of Entrance Examination, Kerala.

Branch No. Of Seats Duration
Civil Engineering 120 4 Years
Mechanical Engineering 120 4 Years
Electrical & Electronics Engineering 1204 Years
Electronics & Communication Engineering 60 4 Years
Instumentation & Control Engineering 60 4 Years
Computer Science & Engineering 60 4 Years

Fixed by the State Fee Committee Being charged by the Institution Fixed by the State Fee Committee Being charged by the Institution
1 Admission Fee (One time payement) 240 NIL 240 NIL
2 Tuition Fee (Yearly) 6300 NIL 6300 NIL
3 University fee (Affiliation fee, Administration fee, Arts & Sports fee) 2330 NIL 2330 NIL
4 Hostel fee (Approx. Per Month) 5000 5000
5 PTA Fund 15000 15000
6 Special Fee 2110 2110
7 Caution Deposit (Only for Ist year) 1000 1000

Time schedule for payment of fee for the entire programme
1) Tution Fees is collected per semester payable in two installments.
  a) First installment - At the beginning of odd semester
  b) Second installment - At the beginning of even semester
2) Caution Deposit is collected for the 1st year (Combined 1st and 2nd semester) at time of admission.
Admission Fee is payable at time of admission.
4) For subsequent year (2nd, 3rd and 4th) Tuition Fee and Special Fee are to be paid at the beginning of odd semester as 1st installment.

Number of scholarships offered by the institute and duration
1 National Merit Scholarship 4 Years
2 District wise Merit Scholarship 4 Years
3 National Merit Scholarship for the children of school teachers 4 Years
4 National Loan Scholarship 4 Years
5 University Merit Scholarship 4 Years
6 Labour Welfare Fund Scholarship (For children of employees working in public sector undertaking) 4 Years
7 Cultural Talent search Scholarship 4 Years
8 M.I.Nair Memorial scholarship (Private) 4 Years
9 I.A.F Benevolent Association Scholarship (For children of employees in Air Force) 4 Years
10 Scholarship to physically handicapped from the D.T.E 4 Years
11 Teachers Aid Fund 4 Years
12 Railway Employees Scholarships 4 Years
13 P & T Scholarship 4 Years
14 K.P.C.R Educational Concession to S.E.B.C students 4 Years
15 Educational Concession to S.C, S.T & O.B.C Students 4 Years
16 Scholarship for Children of Ex-Servicemen 4 Years

In addition to these, State Govts. of Nagaland, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Pondicherry & Sikkim have instituted Merit Scholarships for students from the respective states.

Estimated cost of Boarding and Lodging in Hostels - Rs. 2000/month.