Anti Ragging Information

An Anti-Ragging Committee is a body typically formed within educational institutions to prevent and address instances of ragging. Ragging refers to any form of physical or mental harassment, abuse, or humiliation imposed on students by their peers, especially seniors, as a way of asserting dominance or power. It can take various forms such as verbal abuse, forced activities, bullying, or even physical violence. Additionally, the committee may establish mechanisms for students to report ragging anonymously and provide support to victims. They also collaborate with law enforcement authorities if necessary to take legal action against perpetrators. Overall, the Anti-Ragging Committee plays a crucial role in fostering a culture of respect, tolerance, and inclusivity within educational institutions.

Roles and Responsibilities:
  • 1. create awareness about the negative consequences of ragging,
  • 2. implement preventive measures against ragging
  • 3. ensure a safe and supportive environment for all students.
  • 4. Responsibilities are assigned to faculty members across various areas within the campus premises, including hostels, canteen, parking areas, different blocks, playgrounds, buses, and more.

Members of the Committee:
1 Principal 2555900 / 9447297645
2 Sreelaja N Unnithan (Convenor) 9446631589
3 Dr. Rejani V U (Co-convenor) 9497637659
4 Dr. Viji Rajendran V (Co-convener) 9447101674
5 Head of the Dept (CED) 9497637659
6 Head of the Dept (MED) 9447335282
7 Head of the Dept (EED) 9447042400
8 Head of the Dept (ECD) 9447231806
9 Head of the Dept (ICD) 9496452144
10 Head of the Dept (CSED) 9447101674
11 Warden, College Hostel 9496466899
12 Administrative Assistant (Office) 9495450646
13 Mr. Sajesh M (ME) 9846444836
14 Dr. Sudeep U 9818960654
15 Mr. Sreekumar T P (MED) 9495830070
16 Vice Chairman, College Union ---
17 General Secretary, College Union ---
18 Varundev (S1 CE) 8281494299
19 Student – S5 Lekha R Varier (CSE) 9495762448
20 Student – S5 Abhishek S (ME) 8113922921
21 Student – Kabeerdas P (S3 ME) 9447922601
22 Student – Aiswarya (S3 ECE) 7736897803
23 Circle Inspector of Police, Hemambika Police Station / 2555208 / 9497987150
24 Tahashildar, Palakkad Taluk / 2536770 / 9447735012
25 Vice President PTA – Mr. K. Prasad / 9446060103
26 Member PTA – Geetha Jayakumar / 8547020236
27 Mr. Ajithkumar T (Kerala Association of Cricket) / 8086073285
28 Mr. Sukumaran M.P (Malayala Manorama) / 9846061032