Heat Transfer Lab

Faculty in Charge : Prof. Santhosh Kumar S, Assistant Professor, 9447175859
Instructor in Charge : Mr. Sreekumar T P, Instructor Gr II, 9495830070
Staff in Charge : Mr. Ramesh K, Tradesman, 9746061227
- Composite wall apparatus
- Thermal conductivity of Liquids apparatus
- Forced convection apparatus
- Free convection apparatus
- Emissivity apparatus
- Pin fin apparatus
- Parallel flow and counter flow heat exchanges
- Shell and tube heat exchangers
- Dropwise and film wise apparatus
- Stefan Bolzman apparatus
- Refrigeration test ring
- Heat pipe apparatus
- Critical heat flux apparatus
List of Experiments
- 1. Determination of LMTD and effectiveness of parallel flow, Counter flow heat exchangers
- 2. Performance studies on a shell and tube heat exchanger
- 3. Determination of heat transfer coefficients in free convection
- 4. Determination of heat transfer coefficients in forced convection
- 5. Determination of thermal conductivity of solids (composite wall/metal rod)
- 6. Determination of thermal conductivity of liquids
- 7. Determination of emissivity of a specimen
- 8. Experimental study of dropwise and filmwise condensation
- 9. Study and performance test on refrigeration (Refrigeration Test rig)
- 10. Performance study on heat pipe
- 11. Calibration of Thermocouples
- 12. Calibration of Pressure gauge
- 13. Determination of Stefan Boltzman constant