Department of Physics
The department of Physics, NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad-8 was constituted with the other three engineering departments of Mechanical, Electrical and Civil when the college was established in 1960. Many eminent and efficient teachers have contributed much efforts and skills to the development of this department. The department has a well-equipped laboratory to meet the needs of the students as envisaged in the syllabus. The students are supposed to do 10 experiments out of 20. The department has procured the new sophisticated equipment like fibre optic experimental arrangement, experimental set up for solar cell, ultrasonic diffraction spectrometes, polari meter, spectrometer, diode laser, and many other experiments related to optics, modern physics sound and photonics etc. A detailed list of working instruments available in the physics lab is also appended. The lab is also provided with a mini portable generater of 1kW capacity to tackle the situation of power failure. With these state of the art facilities, the students are really in an enthusiastic mood in physics lab.
Teaching Staff
Adhoc Faculty
Non Teaching Faculty
Head of the Department

- 0491 2559232