Faculty in Charge : Prof. Anoop S Pillai
Instructor-in-charge : P Sabarinath
Technical Staff : Rajesh K A, Rahul Menon

Communication Lab (ECL332)

List of experiments

Simulation using Python

  • 1. Performance of Waveform coding using PCM
  • 2. Pulse shaping and matched filtering
  • 3. Eye diagram
  • 4. Error performance BPSK
  • 5. Error performance QPSK

SDR (using RTL SDR and Hack RF)

  • 1. Familiarization of SDR
  • 2. FM Transmission
  • 3. FM Reception


  • 1. Frequency Modulator and Demodulator
  • 2. BPSK Modulator and Demodulator

Electromagnetics Lab (ECL411)

List of experiments

Optical Experiments

  • 1. VI characteristics of Fiber Optic LED
  • 2. VI characteristics of Photo- Diode and photo Transistor
  • 3. Study of Numerical Aperture of Optical Fiber
  • 4. Setting up a Fiber Optic digital link

Microwave Experiments

  • 1. Study of microwave components
  • 2. Verification of the relation between Guide wavelength, cut off wavelength and Free space wavelength
  • 3. Characteristics of Reflex Klystron
  • 4. Directional coupler characteristics
  • 5. Measurement of VSWR

Simulation Experiments

  • 1. Familiarisation of CST Microwave Studio suit
  • 2. Simulation of Wire Antenna
  • 3. Simulation of Folded Dipole Antenna
  • 4. Simulation of Patch Antenna using microstrip feed
  • 5. Simulation of Planar Dipole Antenna
  • 6. Simulation of Patch array